Strahan, West Coast of Tasmania

Our first trip from our initial home base of Hobart was to the West Coast, driving through Hamilton, Tarraleah, Derwent Bridge, Queenstown, then down a very winding round to the pretty town of Strahan on Macquarie Harbour.

Strahan was founded in 1881, gazetted in 1883, and named after Governor Strachan, appointed to Tasmania in 1881.  Sir George Cumine Strachan was a Scottish Peer, troubleshooter for the Colonial Office in Malta, the Bahamas, the Gold Coast, Windward Islands and Cape Colony. Strahan has always provided for the Prospectors, Miners, Gordon River Piners, Millers, Fishermen, for the Railways, Ships and Sailors – and, of course, for Tourists and Travellers.

Strahan is now among the top tourist destinations of the world and is a jump-off point for the famous World Heritage Area of the South-West via Macquarie Harbour and the Gordon River; to the 40km ‘Great Roaring’ Ocean Beach which beautifully frames the Great Southern Ocean and the Roaring   Forties; to the King River Gorge on the West Coast Wilderness Railway; and to the whole wild West Coast.  Our introduction to Strahan was a cruise to Bonnet Island to see the Little Penguins come in after dusk.

Magic Moments in and around Strahan

The evening cruise to Bonnet Island to watch the Little Penguins come home after fishing, with food for their chicks.   Wonderful evening, especially to see these little birds  up close in their natural habitat.


Tiny Bonnet Island in Macquarie Harbour, home to some Little Penguins

Cruising through Macquarie Harbour to the rugged and spectacular Gordon River 

Enjoying the placid water and rugged surroundings on the Gordon River

Travelling on the Wilderness Railway

Who doesn’t love a steam train?

Enjoying the fun of “The Ship That Never Was” at Strahan

A cast of two, and some willing “ring ins” made for an entertaining evening

Read more of our adventures in and around Strahan here

Read more of our cruise on the Gordon River here

Read more of our ride on the Wilderness Railway here


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