South to Lakes Entrance


At East Cape Conran south of Bemm River

16 March 2016

After leaving the little town of Bemm River, we had to back track to the Princes Highway then head south and take another side-track to Cape Conran, part of the Cape Conran Coastal Reserve.  It was such a pretty drive to the Cape, accompanied by the constant twittering of tiny wrens and finches.  The park has heathlands, wild ocean beaches and banksia woodlands brimming with nectar-feeding birds.  We made a number of stops for beautiful water views including East Cape Conran, and the rocky West Cape Conran (right).

We noticed the start of the the Snowy River estuary walk and had some great views of French Narrows where the Snowy River enters the ocean (below).  Keeping to the coastline we came across the charming town of Marlo where we had a coffee overlooking the ocean.


On the recommendation of our host at the Bemm River Cabin Park, we returned to the main road and drove along the Brodribb River to Orbost, and then the road to Buchan Caves.  It was a wonderful scenic drive to the Caves, and although we didn’t intend to go into the Caves it was a lovely area to visit. We bought an icecream and watched the magpies in the park, then wandered around the park area, and the museum in the Park office (below).










Then it was time to leave and make our way to our next destination of Lakes Entrance.  We arrived in time to get settled then walk along the lengthy waterfront with its yachts, fishing boats and cruise boats (below).


Boasting Australia’s largest inland network of waterways, Lakes Entrance is a popular Gippsland holiday spot, especially for young families. The town is situated on the edge of Ninety Mile Beach where the Gippsland Lakes meets the Southern Ocean. The town is well equipped with accommodation, services and facilities for those enjoying their coastal getaway.  You can cross the footbridge to the popular Ninety Mile Beach to enjoy the pristine surf beach, however we were content just to walk to the footbridge and take some photos (see below)!


Visitors flock to Lakes Entrance all year round for the boating and fishing, there is also a wide range of camping spots surrounding the calm lake waters and line the shore of Ninety Mile Beach.  Along the main street are some wonderful statues carved from wood (see below).










Lakes Entrance is renowned as a seafood capital due to the large number of fishing trawlers operating in the area. Catch your own fish or savour the catches from fresh seafood shops around town.  We decided to have a meal at the hotel adjacent to our motel, Pete chose a curry and I chose a roast vegetable stack with salad.  Unfortunately we weakened on our decision not to eat desserts, and they had Mashed Pavlova with berries and cream – very naughty, but delicious!

Tomorrow we set off for our next destination of Foster, close to the Wilsons Promontory National Park, but not until we view the beautiful town of Lakes Entrance from the various lookouts above the town.

Check out our dinner images here


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