Launceston, Tasmania

New development and marina on the Tamar River

Founded in 1806, Launceston is the nation’s third-oldest city with a fascinating history traced in its beautiful old buildings and streetscapes dating from early Colonial and convict times to Georgian and Victorian eras.  The city is situated at the junction of the North Esk and South Esk rivers where they join the Tamar River.

Launceston is a great stopping place to explore the towns north on the Tamar River, and the Midland towns of Evandale, Campbell Town, Ross and Longford.

Magic Moments around Launceston

Cruise on the Tamar River

Reaching the head of the Cataract Gorge

A moving visit to the Ross Female Factory south of Launceston

Going back in time at the Low Head Pilot Station North of Launceston

Overlooking the mouth of the Tamar River from the cafe, originally the Coxswain’s Cottage and Chart Room

Exploring Cataract Gorge First Basin in Launceston

The beautiful Rotunda in the First Basin park

You can follow our trips north of Launceston here

You can follow our trips south of Launceston here

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